The person might wonder whether he/she is mentally and financially ready to go ahead with this decision. Families who are tired of shifting rented accommodations and paying monthly rent are definitely interested in moving into their own home. A person who sees his/her colleagues and friend buying houses also wonders if this is the right time to take the plunge themselves. In some situations, it might be peer pressure or social obligation to own a house. One must analyse the personal finances, priorities and long term plans before deciding whether they are ready or not.
Another doubt people face is related to the burden of a home loan. Usually, the repayment period of a home loan is 20 to 30 years. It can be overwhelming to anyone to consider that for most of their careers they will have to work towards repaying this debt. This seems to be a burden in the current job market where changing jobs, layoffs and taking risks have become a trend. A person might also wonder that if for some reason he/she is not able to earn anymore or passes away, this burden would be passed on to other members of the family. To clear such a doubt, one must plan their finances well and have some savings and insurance policies to rely upon in times of distress.
In the current scenario, where a number of large developers have failed to deliver their projects on time, people are left to wonder whether it is safe to invest their hard-earned money. People are afraid of getting duped and cheated. It is advisable to investigate well about the property and the developer before finalising anything. With new government regulations coming into shape, it is easier to find out all information about the project. And in case of dispute, the new regulations have made is easier to get justice for the buyer.