Photo courtesy - Pixabay
Kitchen is said to bethe most functional, lively and happinening place a family experience together in their house. To ensure best cooking experience, hygiene must be given top marked priority. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect kitchen sink :
- The Design : Understand the overall design of your kitchen. What could be the best place to install sink, which can be the best choice functionally and also aesthetically.
- The Plumbing layout : Plumbing is as important as furnishing layout. For existing home consult with your plumber. Know your pipelines. Cross question your requirements with your existing and preferable layout.
- Cross check your design : Double sure if you are sure about placing it in kitchen Island? How about the view? is it facing the right view eg, outside view, family room view or it is bad enough to occupy your service platform.
- The Dimension : Once you are done with your layout, the next point to cover is know the bowl dimension. Is the bowl deep enough to serve your kitchenwares?
- The Type : There are two options available in kitchen sink - Topmount sinks or Undermount sinks.Some believe that it is easier to clean one as comparative to another but in the end both need cleaning. Undermount gets you seamless look while Topmounts add edges in interior.