Update details: one of the most important things after selling your home update details in various places that include changing address among all service providers like banks, telephone service, gas as well as other vendors to avoid termination of services. You also need to update at your workplace too and ensure that your spouse does the same.
Buy a new house or rent: it's a very common question that comes into mind that what one should do with money received from selling a property. Will it be better to buy a new house or move into a rented accommodation and save it for later? However, it is advised to wait for some time because you might end up taking a wrong decision in terms of buying a new property. As a result, you could become financially unstable. So it is better to rent a property and then move further.
Plan your investments: After a property is sold, the seller receives a huge amount of money. Thus it is better to plan accordingly. This entirely depends on how stable you are or how much you need for your future. In case you plan to buy property in next three r more years than investing in capital gain bonds could be fruitful. And if you plan to buy property early then you can plan to invest in some profit earning stocks for a year or so.
How to spend the money? Although this question differs from person to person and situation to situation. Everyone has different priorities and needs. Hence one should take time, think carefully and then come to any decision.