Dev Singhraha
Relocation Expert
Over the years there have been numerous cases where the tenant absconds or vacate the property without paying the rent. This creates a huge problem for the landlord. Tracking them down becomes an issue. The issue becomes worse if the landlord is living in a different city.
So, what can a landlord do in such a situation? Should they contact the authorities right away or try getting in touch with the tenant or his relatives.

We list down the things that a tenant can do if such a situation arises:

1.If your tenant is avoiding your calls and hasn’t paid their rent, then it might be because they have absconded. Try reaching them or their family with the emergency contact number they provided.

2.Call the neighbours and ask them if they have seen them moving their furniture or stuff. If so, then ask them how many days it has been since they moved.

3.Get in touch with the utility office and ask them if the tenant has paid their dues. Ask them to get the meter read.

4.If you are still not able to get any valuable information, then pay the visit to the property physically. You can let yourself in the apartment with the spare keys you have. Look around for the furniture or the stuff they brought with them.

If there isn’t any stuff, then the tenant has absconded without paying the rent.
What can a tenant do next?

1.Issue a notice to the tenant asking him the reason for vacating the property without paying rent or notifying the tenant.

2. Send out the notice to his permanent address and office address.

3.If there is no response, then you can file the suit of eviction against the tenant on the basis of evicting without prior notice or paying the due rent.

4.If the tenant doesn’t appear in the court, the court will decide in your favour.
What can a landlord do with tenant’s belongings?
There are some cases where the tenant doesn’t take away all his belongings before evicting. In such a case, do no sell their belongings to recover your losses. The tenant can file a suit against you for selling their belongings. Also, do not lock the property with your lock.

If you want to sell the belongings to recover your losses, then you will have to move to the court and ask for the permission. Once the court approves, you can go ahead and sell the belongings. 
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