When you are looking for the most appropriate loan for yourself, first consider the duration of time for which you are planning to stay in that particular area. If it is for a short span of time, then go for a scheme where you can pay unlimited principle so that you can acquire the Income Tax benefits from it. On the other hand, if you are planning to stay for a longer period of time, then interest first loans would be more suitable for you.
The second point of consideration is the amount of money you can pay each month. If it is a fairly large sum, then you can opt for something that is fixed or more stable. But if you are not in a financial position to pay more at the present moment, but will be able to do so in the future, then choose a loan that will increase by percentage rate over time. The people who are availing the second option can also consider a balloon loan scheme. This will make you pay a large amount only during the closing of your home.
So, these are the key points to keep in mind are: Keep yourself open to options; understand your financial positioning and evaluate your individual needs. That is how you shall be able to invest your money in the right way. Nevertheless, a lender and his agents will always be eager to help you and answer your queries.